As a web development professional I’ve honed my skills for many years, more than a decade in fact, in an attempt to become as good as I could possibly be in this chosen profession. My abilities are diverse, most learned through work, some through study, but mostly through persistence. As a designer I’ve done design for the retail industry, an online store and an online recruitment platform, as a front end developer I’ve worked on an extensive amount of projects both commercial and freelance, for local and international clients and companies. Having helped develop engaging customer facing websites, intranets, content management systems, landing pages and blogs. I’m a proactive, out-of-the-box thinker, whether working alone or as part of a development team having provided high end code on large scale production web and mobile sites, with a strong focus on maintainability and scalability in a fast-paced, dynamic environment.

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  • Kawoosh! Get Your Geek On.

    Kawoosh! is an enterainment news aggregator website that pulls rss news feeds from popular genre websites. The content of which is parsed through a PHP rss reader and displayed. The development went through the entire SDLC from wireframe concept to click through prototype done in Figma, to layout design in Photoshop to the development process and finally made live. The site is fully responsive, cross browser and cross platform supported.

  • The BrandLit Collective: Proof of Concept Design

    This was a freelance proof of concept design project for The BrandLit Collective design agency. They never had a web presence up to until this point and were interested in setting one up. This design was intended to show what a potential desktop and mobile website would look like.

  • IHS Markit: Orion2X Internal Online Web Application

    This was designed as an upgrade to the existing WinForms version that was being used. The purpose of this re-design was to facilitate ease of use and streamline all the major features and functions into a more user friendly interface, thereby creating a more engaging user experience.

  • Shoprite IT Marketing Department Branding

    These series of branding logo's were designed to modernize and update the existing Shoprite IT Marketing department branding. Various iterations around a single concept were designed as to provide more options and choices.

  • Shoprite Holdings

    These are conceptual designs I was asked to do for Shoprite Holdings, namely for Checkers Food Services, Shoprite Marketing IT inhouse Digital Services Layer, as well as Transpharm. All these designs were based around their Adobe Experience Manager content management / development system.

    Brand websites I assisited in developing and maintaining:

    Shoprite Holdings Corporate
  • Careers24

    As a front end developer at Careers24, I was asked to come with a new concept for there homepage. One that had less clutter and encouraged the user to focus more on searching for the information they wanted. This was the result. Even though I worked primarily on Careers24, in my time at Media24 I also developed, contributed to and maintained the other brands. Most notably.

  • Toxicsox

    These are some various design ideas and concepts that were done under as part of another project that has since been shelved. Some of these designs were done as a way to improve my skills, they reflect deep etching, typography and creative thinking.